Danielle Lanteigne Canadian, 1959

Danielle Lanteigne’s work reflects her strengths in terms of division of space, rendering masses of colour and seeking out textures. It invites the viewer to look at daily life with a slight smile, playing with the perspective of everyday objects, confronting them in an apparently irrational order but animating them by the same life force. Lanteigne sees herself as a “colourist” and, although she is a painter of the “new configuration school”, she “deforms” in order to better “reform”, to make lines vibrate and to break with convention.

Danielle has always loved the creative process. Intuitive, even visionary, as a child of 10, she instinctively knew how to use her sister’s oil paints. After studying art at Concordia University and a decade of research, Lanteigne won the Grand Prix du Conseil de la Culture des Laurintides in 1992. She followed a rigorous style under the watchful eye of Francoise Sullivan, whose influence is still seen in Lanteigne’s drawing.

Lanteigne resides in Montreal, Quebec.